Vjekoslav Perica


1998. god. Ph.D. History, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA.

1995. god. M.A. History, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA:

1994. god. M.A. Political Science, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA.

1980. god. School of Law, Split.

Current position:

Associate Professor, University of Rijeka, Croatia.

Book review of Vjekoslav Perica's Balkan idols: Religion and Nationalism in Yugoslav States



Academic and Research Positions, Academic awards, and Research grants:


US Fulbright Scholar (Traditional Fulbright Fellowship) in Belgrade, Serbia Residential Research fellowship. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.
2002-2003 Advanced postdoctoral research -- German Marshall Fund, USA
1998-1999 Contractor researcher. Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
1998 Short-term research scholar in residence. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C.
1998 Independent researcher. Under grant program from United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C.
1997-1998 Peace scholar in residence. United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C.
1993-1998 Research assistant. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minnesota

Spring 2007

US Fulbright Scholar; Visiting Fulbright Lecturer. University of Belgrade, Serbia
Fall 2006 Visiting Associate Professor. University of Rijeka, Croatia
2004-2007 Adjunct Associate Professor. Department of History, University of Utah
2003 Visiting Lecturer. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minnesota
2001-2002 Visiting Lecturer. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
1999-2000 Visiting Lecturer. Brigham Young University, Utah

Published works


Balkan Idols. Religion and Nationalism in Yugoslav States. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. Paperback edition and online scholarship editions, 2004.

Balkanki idoli. Religija i nacionalizam u jugoslovenskim državama. 1-2. Revised and expanded edition with a new foreword by the author. Translated to the Serbian by Slobodaka Glišic and Slavica Miletic. Belgrade, Serbia: Biblioteka xx. vek, 2006.

Vjekoslav Perica, Darko Gavrilovic, Ljubiša Despotovic and Srdan Šljukic. Mitovi nacionalizma i demokratija. Novi Sad: Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation, Faculty for European Political and Legal Studies, Grafomarketing, 2009.

Vjekoslav Perica, Sveti Petar i Sveti Sava: Sakralni simboli kao metafore povijesnih promjena. Beograd: Biblioteka XX vek, 2009.


Book Chapters

Sumrak panslavenskih mitova, u Ivan Colovic, ur. Zid je mrtav, živeli zidovi. Pad Berlinskog zida I raspad Jugoslavije. Beograd. Biblioteka xx vek, 2009, pp. 303-325.

"The St. Sava's Church Affair Twenty Years After the Landmark 1989". Collected papers from the International conference "Croato-Serbian Relations: Political Cooperation and the Question of Ethnic Minorities" Golubic, Croatia, 26.-27. August, 2009. The Hague-Novi Sad: Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation (CHDR),: Grafo marketing, 2009.

"Mit o Dijaspori. Postsocijalisticki diskurs o emigrantima i iseljenicima iz bivše Jugoslavije. In "The Shared History: Refugees and Exiled Persons from ex-Yugoslav Lands in the xx century", Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation (CHDR), Salzburg-Novi Sad: Grafo marketing, 2009.

"A City between the Global and the National: U.S. Navy's Peacemaking Mission in Split, 1918 - 1921." In 125 Years of Diplomatic Relations between the USA and Serbia, Ljubinka Trgovcevic, ed. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences, 2008, pp. 82-102.

"Nacionalne crkve Srba i Hrvata i sakralizacija mitske prošlosti Drugog svjetskog rata," in "The Shared History: Myth and Stereotypes of nationalism and Communism in Ex-Yugoslavia", Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation (CHDR), Salzburg-Novi Sad: Grafo marketing, 2008, pp. 105-136.

"The Politics of Ambivalence: Europeanization and the Serbian Orthodox Church." In Timothy A. Byrnes and Peter J. Katzenstein, eds., Religion in an Expanding Europe. Cambridge, UK and New York: Cambridge University Press, pp.176-203, 2006.

"Balkan Imago Mundi. Cycles of Construction and Destruction of Sacred Symbols and Historic Monuments in South Slavic States, 1965 - 2005." In Thomas Bremer, ed., Churches in Former Yugoslavia. Muenster: The Catholic University of Muenster, Germany, 2006.

"A History of ‘The Church of the Croats': The Two Facets of Croatian Catholic Nationalism." In Francisco Colom Gonzales and Angel Rivero, eds., A Nation of the Faithful. Catholic Nationalisms and the Politics of Sovereignty in Multiethnic States. Madrid, Spain, 2006.

"The Sanctification of Enmity. Churches and Construction of Founding Myths of Serbia and Croatia." In Pål Kolstø, ed., Myths and Boundaries in Southeastern Europe. London.: C. Hurst & Co, pp. 130-157, 2005.

"Uloga crkava u konstrukciji državotvornih mitova Hrvatske i Srbije." In Husnija Kamberovic, ed., Historijski mitovi na Balkanu: zbornik radova (in Croatian). Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Institut za istoriju, pp.203-224, 2003.

"The Catholic Church and Croatian Statehood." In Vjeran Pavlakovic, ed., Nationalism, Culture and Religion in Croatia since 1990. The Donald W. Treadgold Papers in Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies, No. 32, pp. 55-70, November 2001.

"Deadline Doomsday? Yugoslav Religious Organizations in Conflict, 1981 - 1997." In Steven M. Riskin, ed., Contributions to the Study of Peacemaking. United States Institute of Peace, Washington, D.C., Vol. 6, December 1999.

Articles in Refereed Academic Journals


"Keiner kann Gott der Geschischte sein: der kroatische Katolizismus und die Versöhnungsfrage" (Nobody Can Be the Lord of History: Croatian Catholicism and the Question of Reconciliation (in German translation from Croatian). Ost-West. Europäische Perspektiven, Heft 3, pp. 202-210, January 2007.

"The Most Catholic Country in Europe? Church, State and Society in Contemporary Croatia."Religion, State and Society: The Keston Journal, Oxford, UK, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 311-346, December 2006.

"Zlatno doba i zlatno tele, o ambivalentnome karakteru religijskih pokreta - slu?aj predratne Jugoslavije (1984- 1991)" , "Golden Age and Golden Calf; On Ambivalent Nature of Religious Movements - The Case of Pre-war Yugoslavia (1984 - 1991)." Forum Bosne, No. 35, Sarajevo: International Forum Bosnia, pp. 117-130, 2006.

"United They Stood, Divided They Fell: Nationalism and the Yugoslav School of Basketball, 1968 - 2000." Nationalities Papers, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 267-291, 2001.

"Interfaith Dialogue versus Recent Hatred: Serbian Orthodoxy and Croatian Catholicism from the Second Vatican Council to the Yugoslav War, 1965 - 1992. Religion, State & Society: The Keston Journal, Oxford, UK, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 39-66, 2001.

"The Catholic Church and the Making of the Croatian Nation, 1970 - 84."East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 532-564, Fall 2000.

"Memorials of an Era. Church Building Under Communism in Yugoslavia, (in Croatian). Journal of Contemporary History, 31/1, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 93-126, 1999.


Other Miscellaneous Published Writings and Editorial Experience


Guest editor, Nations and nationalities, forthcoming summer 2010, Special Issue: "Who is Who in the Balkans Today: Mythmaking and Identity Mutations, 1989-2009"


"A Native's Return". Newsletter of the Fulbright Alumni Association of Serbia, June 2007, no.11. p.3.

"Genetics or Revolution? On the Phenomenon of the South Slavic School of Basketball" (in Croatian). In Rec, bimonthly journal, special issue: "The New Generation: The Post-Yugoslav Academic Diaspora,"No. 70/16, pp. 172-193, June 2003.

"Religious Institutions and Genocide in the Balkans." Proceedings of the 30th Annual Scholars' Conference on Churches and the Holocaust, Philadelphia, 2000.

The Minnesota Daily. World & Nation Editor, 1995 - 1997 (daily creating a newspaper page).

The Minnesota Daily. Guest Columnist, 1995 - 1997 (4 articles, see below).

"Religion and Politics". Column in Nedjeljna Dalmacija, weekly newspaper, Split, Croatia (former Yugoslavia), March 1988 - August 1991.

Published Works of Journalism: Selected articles, in English and Croatian



Series of essays:


"Male vjerske zajednice u Jugoslaviji: Veliki i mali u svijetu religije" 1-2, Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 12 i 19. IV. 1987

"Hram Svetog Save u Splitu: Graditeljstvo i vjera žrtve politike", 1-9, Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 4. VI. - 24. VII. 1989

"Mitovi i zbilja Jugoslavije" 1-8, Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 28. VII. - 15. IX. 1991




"Svjetsko prvenstvo u košarci Indianapolis, 2002: Nacije u košu", Slobodna Dalmacija, 14. IX. 2002.

"U.N. at 50: Thanks and goobye", The Minnesota Daily, June, 26, 1995.

"Affirmative call for the big and tall", The Minnesota Daily, October 13, 1995.

"Benefits of murder - does crime pay?" The Minnesota Daily, August, 9, 1995.

"A few notes on Perpich's last venture", The Minnesota Daily, September, 25,, 1995.

"Nepoznanica" samoubojstvo" 1-2. Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 8 i 16. VI. 1991.

"Ekumenizam i pravoslavlje: Obrana i posljednji dani" 24. III. 1991.

"Sindrom pravoslavnog komunizma", Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 13. I. 1991.

"Vjera i školstvo", Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 13. V. 1990

"Biskupi za 21. stoljece," Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 4. II. 1990.

"Tomislav Janko Sagi-Buni?: Nitko ne može biti bog povijesti"

"Putositnice s Kosova: Prolje?e redovito kasni" Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 5. VIII 1990.

"Misti?ni svijet kosovskih derviša" 1-2, Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 5. VII i 12. VIII. 1990.

"Rusko pravoslavlje: Opsada Tre?eg Rima", Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 22. VII. 1990.

"Autokefalne crkve: Dijaspora kao sudbina", Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 2. IX. 1990.

"Prošlost i sadašnjost ekumenizma: Katoli?ko-pravoslavni put dobre nade", 2Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 26. XI. 1989.

"Novo lice Jugo Islama", 1-2. Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 8. i 16. X. 1989.

"Vjerski praznici izlaze iz izolacije: Sretan vam neradni Božic", Nedjeljna Dalmacija, 22. X. 1989

"Bliski susreti crkve i države", Slobodna Dalmacija, 5. II. 1988.

"Država i crkva: Stanje složeno, perspektive dobre", Slobodna Dalmacija, 21. VI. 1987.



"The St. Sava's Church Affair Twenty Years After the Landmark Year". International conference "Croato-Serbian Relations: Political Cooperation and the Question of Ethnic Minorities", Golubic, Croatia, 26.-27. August, 2009.

"Political Myths in Post-Yugoslav States" Presentation of project as a working group leader at regional meeting of the Hague Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation (IHJR) "Facing the Past, Searching for the Future", Budapest, Hungary, June 10-13, 2009.

Chairperson and organizer: Scholarly panel - presentation in Croatia of the Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation in Southeastern Europe". Rijeka, Croatia, March, 25-26. 2009.

"The Diaspora Myth" paper presentation. International conference "Refugees and immigrants from Yugoslav lands in the xx century" Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation (CHDR), Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation (IHJR), University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 27-28. November 2008.

"Nationalism and Religion in Southeastern Europe." Several lectures at the graduate seminar "Master of Arts Degree in Religious Studies" Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies (CIPS) of the University of Sarajevo (in partnership with Arizona State University), 16-20 May 2008.

"Myths and Stereotypes of the Nationalism in Southeastern Europe." Center for History, Democracy and Reconciliation (CHDR), Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation (IHJR), University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 May 2008.

Panortodoxy and Russofilia in postsocialist Serbia". International conference: "Religious Tradition, Communism and Cultural Reevaluation: Transnationalism in Post-1989 Eastern European Cultures of Remembrance." Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas an der Universität Leipzig (The Leipzig Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe), Bautzen, Germany, 28 June - 1 July 2007.

"The Global Upsurge of Religion Since the 1960s: A Worldwide Movement, Revolution, or Sequence of Unrelated Events? Invited lecture. University of Belgrade's Institute for the Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, 25 April 2007.

"A City Between the Global and the National. The U.S. Naval Mission in Split (Spalato), Dalmatia, 1918 -1921." International conference "The 125th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations Between the USA and Serbia," University of Belgrade, Department of Political Science, 20 April 2007.

"The Role of Religion in the Disintegration of Former Yugoslavia," Invited lecture. Annual Week of Science, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, 16 November 2006.

"Fragile Civil Societies and National Religious Institutions: Religious Monopolies and National Identities in Post-Socialist Southeastern Europe." Paper presentation. Annual Convention of Spanish-Canadian Studies, Miraflores della Sierra, Spain, 17-20 November 2006.

"Religion and the Disintegration of Yugoslavia". Invited public lecture. Annual Science Weeek. Seminar "Dimensiones político culturales de las religiones monoteístas", Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain, 15. November, 2006.

"The Global and the Local: The US Naval Mission in the East Adriatic, 1919 - 1921." Paper presentation. 38th National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, D.C., 24 November 2006.

"Balkan Idols," Serbian edition. Book presentation. Center for Cultural Decontamination, Belgrade, Serbia, 4 December 2006.

"Christianity in Eastern Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries." Book project/international conference, German Historical Institute, Warsaw, Poland, 21-23 June 2006.

"Local/Regional Identities and Nationalist Appropriations in the City of Split/Spalato". International conference "Divided Cities", Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, 30 August 2005.

"The Orthodox Church and Other Non-Catholic Religious Communities in Croatia During World War II." International Conference on the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary of World War II, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, Croatia, 22-23 November 2005.

Roundtable "Josip Broz Tito (1892 - 1980): A Reassessment in the Light of Landmark Anniversaries." Organizer and moderator. 37th National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Salt Lake City, 3-6 November 2005.

"A History of the Church of the Croats: The Ethnicization of Croatian Catholicism." Paper presentation. Workshop: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas and University Autonoma of Madrid, Spain, 2-4 March 2005.

"The European Union in the Eyes of the Serbian Orthodox Church: A Case Study in Ambivalence." Invited lecture. Institute on Culture, Religion & World Affairs, Boston University, 13 April 2005.

"Symbolic Wars: Construction and Destruction of Sacred and Historic Monuments in Former Yugoslavia and Successor States since the 1960s." Paper presentation. The Association for the Study of Nationalities World Convention, Columbia University, New York, 14 April 2005.

"Religion and Architecture in the Balkans." Symposium: Church in Former Yugoslavia, Catholic University at Muenster, Muenster, Germany, 27-31 October 2004.

"Fracturing an Integrating Europe from the Periphery? Religious Communities and Europeanization." Workshop, Colgate University, NY, 8-11 April 2004.

"Overcoming Religious Nationalism in the Balkans." Roundtable seminar at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., 5-6 December 2003.

"What Went Wrong? Religion Assists the Liberalization in Antebellum Yugoslavia, 1980 - 1990." Public lecture and paper. International Forum Bosnia, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 13 June 2003.

"Politics and Culture of Regionalism on the Adriatic Eastern Shore." International Conference: Conflicting Memories and Mutual Representations: Italy and the Balkans Since 1989, Kingston University, London, UK, 4-5 June 2003.

"Balkan Societies in Change: The Use of Historical Myths." Paper presentation. International Conference and Workshop organized by the University of Oslo, Norway and University of Sarajevo, in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 7-9 November 2002.

"Churches and the ethnic cleansing," Paper presentation. 30th Annual Scholars' Conference on the Holocaust and the Churches, Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, 4-7 March 2000.

"The Serbian Church and the Milosevic Regime." Paper presentation. IREX Policy Forum, U.S. Department of State, Washington D.C., 8. November 1999.

"The Kosovo Question: Another Marshall Plan or a New Congress of Berlin?" Paper presentation. New Faces Conference, organized by German Society for Foreign Affairs, Berlin, Germany, 14-17 October 1999.

"Churches and the Post-communist Regimes in Serbia and Croatia." Invited lecture. Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., 17 February 1999.


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