Snježana Kordić

Snježana Kordić is a linguist whose research interests include language politics, social lingistics, ideology of language purity, history and the birth of nations.  Besides these topics, she has researched numerous grammatical themes.  She received her doctorate in Zagreb, Croatia and has lived in Germany where for fifteen years she taught at universities in Bochum, Munster, Berlin and Frankfurt. She has participated in numerous symposiums, conferences, and congresses around the world.  In 2001 she argued for the survival foundational scientific principles in linguistics in Croatia by starting a discussion with Croatian Language purists in a Zagreb Journal called Republika in order to point out the many contradictions present in Croatian Language Purism.  In 2003 the discussion was moved into a newly formed Zagreb journal called Književna Republika and has lasted nine years.  The over 500 pages of writing from those marathon discussions were preparation for her newest book Language and Nationalism (Jezik i nacionalizam).  In Zagreb she has previously publish two books about linguistic themes which enjoyed positive reviews around the world, and as such were translated into German and distributed in Germany. Internationally she has publish grammar and textbooks for English and German speaking readers.  All the books she has published internationally have experience multiple rounds of publishing.  In addition she has published over 150 other (social)linguistic works in various, often international, philological journals and anthologies.  

Publications: List of works in Croatian Scientific Bibliography (all articles can be read as pdf here)


  • Bachelors 1988 in Osijek, Croatia

  • Masters 1992 in Zagreb, Croatia

  • Doctorate 1993 in Zagreb, Croatia

  • Resident Professor 2002 in Munster, Germany 

Teaching Positions:

  • 1990-1991 Philosophy Faculty Osijek, Croatia

  • 1991-1995 Philosophy Faculty Zagreb, Croatia

  • 1993-1995 Ruhr-University Bochum

  • 1993-1998 Westfälische Wilhelms-University Munster

  • 2004-2005 Humbold-University Berlin

  • 2005-2007 Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt


Snježana Milivojević je profesorica Javnog mnjenja i medijskih studija na Fakultetu političkih nauka, Univerziteta u Beogradu. Rukovodi Centrom za medijska istraživanja i članica je Akademskog Vijeća Centra za ženske studije. Njeni akademski interesi leže u polju medija i demokratije, političke komunikacije, medijskih politika i zakonodavstva, kulturnih studija, te medija i javnog sjećanja. Nakon zabrane doktorske disertacije o  mdijskoj manipulaciji (1998.) i usvajanja represivnog Zakona o Univerzitetu (1999.), dobila je otkaz sa Univerziteta te je nastavila univerzitetsku karijeru tek nakon demokratskih promjena u Srbiji (2003.).  
Snježana Milivojević je bila Chevning stipendistica na St. Antony’sCollege, Oxford University (2001.), a gostujuće predavačke ili istraživačke boravke imala na nekoliko europskih i sjeverno-američkih univerziteta kao što su University of Massachusetts, University of Georgia, Westminster University, UCL, Sussex University, LSE University of Milan, University in Sofia, itd. Ko-autorica je Ekranizacija izbora (1993.), Media Monitoring Manual (2003.), Television across Europe - Serbia (2005.), Srpske strane rata (1996). Učestvovala je na brojnim međunarodnim istraživačkim projektima na polju medijskih studija.


2000   Doctorate in Sociology, University of Montenegro, Faculty of Philosophy 
1986    M.A. in Politics and Development Strategies, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands 
1979    B.A. in Journalism, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade


2003 -   Professor of Public Opinion and Media Studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade
2006 -   Head of Research,  Media Center of the  Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade 
1999 -   Academic Board Member, Women's Studies Center, Belgrade


Profession at the crossroads: journalism at the threshold of the information Society,
Regional Research Project Program Western Balkans, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, research leader, available at:

Structural and Professional Changes of the Mass Media  in Serbia 2006-2010, project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Serbia (project code 149063)

Politics of gender equality: Education as an indicator of gender equality in Serbia 2008-10, project financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Serbia (project code 159011)

East of West: Setting a New Central and Eastern European Media Research Agenda,  COST A 30 Action 2005-2009, European Science Foundation, Management Committee Member


Previous employment 
2002- 2003    Research Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Belgrade
1983-1999    Assistant Professor, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade 
1980-1982    Political Correspondent, Daily "Politika Ekspres ", Beograd

University of Belgrade    Public Opinion (Undergraduate) 
Media Analysis, Public Sphere and the Media, Media and Diversity (Graduate)

Academic projects
2006-2007    Coordinator, Strengthening Political Reporting in the Serbian Media, OSCE Mission in Beograd and FPS joint project.
2004-2007    Co-director, Curriculum Development Project, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Beograd and Grady College of Journalism, University of Georgia, USA, project funded  by the  USA Department of State. 
2005 – 2008    External Consultant, Media Monitoring  under the auspices of the New Perspectives for Women Project, Centrul Independent de Journalism and USAID,  Moldova
2004 – 2006   External Consultant, Reflecting Diversity in  Mass Media Project, Centrul Independent de Journalism and DIFID, Moldova
2004    External Academic Expert, Academic Development Program for the University of Podgorica, OSCE Office in Montenegro
2004 -  Publications Translation Consultant, Next Page Foundation, Bulgaria

Visiting scholarship
January/February,  September 2005     Visiting Scholar, Grady College of Journalism, University of Georgia, USA
January/September 2001    Chevening Scholar, Senior Associate Member, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University
January/September 2001    Visiting Scholar, PCLPM Wolfson College, Oxford University
July/August 1994    Visiting Scholar, University of Westminster  
Fall semester 1989    Visiting Professor, University of Massachusetts, USA; Course: Communication Systems in Eastern Europe
Invited lectures/seminars, University College of London, London School of Economics and Politics, Sussex University, University of Sofia, Salzburg Seminar (Austria), De Balie (The Netherlands), 21st Century Trust (UK), Wilton Park (UK), UNESCO

Visiting lecturing
2006 -    Professor, MA in Communication Studies, Institute for Socio-Legal Studies, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of  Macedonia
July 2007    Professor,  Political Communication and Electoral Behavior, International Doctoral Summer School,  University of Milan, Italy
2004/05 - 2006/07    Specialist Studies Coordinator, Cultural and Gender Studies, FPS and Women’s Studies Center University of Belgrade
May 2005    Lecturer, Feminist Critical Analysis: Be/longing and Citizenship, Postgraduate Course, Inter-University Center Dubrovnik, Croatia
2003    Visiting Professor, Graduate Media Studies, University of Sofia and Frankfurt University, Bulgaria
2000    Lecturer, Summer School ‘Media and War’, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
1998 -2002    Professor, Alternative Academic Network in Serbia, established by independent intellectuals and NGOs to oppose political misuse of the University during authoritarian regime
Ongoing    Lecturer for various NGO or professional training programs/schools of journalism:  BBC, IREX, OSCE, ANEM, NUNS, Media Center, CESID etc.


2004-    Editorial Board Member, Genero, Journal for Feminist Theory
1986-1998    Corresponding Editor, European Journal of Communication


  • Books

2003 (in English) Media Monitoring Manual, London/ Beograd: Media Diversity Institute & Samizdat, ISBN 86- 7963-170-1 
1993 (in Serbian) Televised Elections (Ekranizacija izbora) co-author (with J.Matić), Vreme knjige, Beograd, ISBN 86-7979-012-5

  • Monographs

Children in the Media Mirror,  Belgrade: UNICF , 2010, available  at :

  • Special Issues, Guest Editor

2004 (in Serbian) Women and the Media, Genero, Special issue, editor, Center for Women’s Studies, Beograd
1993 (in Serbian) Manipulation and the Public: Sociology of News, guest co-editor, Gledista 1-6, Theme Issue

  • Book Chapters (in English)

2005    Television across Europe - regulation, policy and independence, Report for Serbia, EUMAP in Network Media Programme Budapest, pp. 1315-1385. ISBN:1-891385-47-X
2001    Media Repression and Politics of Isolation, in Media and Politics, Peter Bajomi-Lazar and Istvan Hegedus, Budapest: Uj Mandatum Konyvkiado, 
1996 (also published in French) Nationalization of Everyday Life, in The Road to War in Serbia, N. Popov (ed.), Budapest: CEU Press. 
1998    Die Nationalisierung des taglichen Lebens, Serbiens Weg in der Krieg, Thomas Bremer, Nebojsa Popov & Heinz- Gunther Stobbe, Berlin Verlag Berlin, pp. 339-355

  • Book Chapters (in Serbian)

2008    Information Society and Media Culture, in Godišnjak FPN, Fakultet političkih nauka Beograd, str.261-270
2008    Media monitoring, co-author, in Predsednički izbori 2008: Okolnosti i rezultati, S. Mihajlović (ur), Službeni glasnik i CESID Beograd, str.143-163
2008    Scandals, State Marketing and Political Promotion, co-author in Oko izbora (Parlamentarni izbori u Republici Srbiji 11. maja 2008. godine), CESID Beograd
2007    Security issues and the Public, in „Reform of the Security sector in Serbia- achievements and perspectives, M.Hadic (ed.), Beograd: Centar za civilno-vojne odnose, str. 165-171
2006    Television in Transition: from state control to wild market, in Five years of transition in Serbia II, ed. S.Mihajlović, Beograd: FES, pp. 272-286
2005    Why Diversity Matters? in Reader, Beograd: Labris, pp. 157-163
1999    “We love you, our fatherland…” in Absent Parties, Beograd: CESID
1993    Propaganda, in Encyclopedia of Political Culture, Beograd: Savremena Administracija
1996    Nationaliyation of Evriday Life (Nacionalizacija svakodnevnog života), in Srpska strana rata, Nebojša Popov (ur.), Republika Beograd

  • Journal Articles (in Serbian)

2002    Trapped in the Past, Transitions On-Line, Balkan Reconstruction Report, Special Packages, 1994    Mass Media in Serbian Elections, Yu Survey, No 1 (in Bosnian) Tabloidization of the Daily Press in Serbia , NetNovinar, Medija Centar Sarajevo, 2001 (in Hungarian) Elnyomas es izolacio”, Beszelo, Politikai es kulturalis folzoirat, 3. szam,  marcius, pp. 37-39. ISSN 0865-4093 ID 174837255
1995 (in Spanish) Television and Elections in Serbia’, Voces y Culturas, Vol.8, Barselona

  • Professional Journal Articles

2009 Medijska strategija za digitano doba, Monitoring medijske scene u Srbiji, Anem publikacija II,  ANEM: Beogad,  2009. str. 12-18.
Media strategy for a Digital Era,Legal Monitoring of Serbian media Scene, Anem publcation II, ANEM: Beogad,  2009. str. 34-40. 2008 Presidential Elections 2008, (Predsednički izbori 2008), Dosije o medijima, br.23, avgust 2007.-mart 2008. časopis  Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije, str. 20-22 
2006 The Broadcasting Law: Amended before Applied (Zakon o radiodifuziji: Promene pre primene) Republika br. 388-389, str.6-7. UDK 008 (497.11) ISSN 03547973 
2006 Public Service Challenged Anew (Javni servis na novim mukama),  Dosije o medijima br.19, mart 2006-juni 2006, časopis  Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije, str.27-28 
2006 Women in the News: Lipstick Imperialism (Žene u vestima: Karmin imperijalizam), Evropski forum, mesečnik za evropske integracije, br.7, str.12 
2004 Political and Commercial Motives (Politički a ne komercijalni motivi), Dosije o medijima br. 14, juni-decembar 2004, časopis Nezavisnog udruženja novinara Srbije, str.20-22. 
2004 Risky Activity (Rizična delatnost), Dosije o medijima br.13, januar-jun 2004, časopis Nezavisnog  udruženja novinara Srbije, str.22-23 
2004 Research : Women and the Media (Istraživanja: Žene i mediji), Pop kult br.7, 2004., str.6-7 
2002 Television and Elections in Serbia 1990-2000  mini series, (Televizija i izbori u Srbiji 1990-2000) , mini feljton, Danas, 24, 25 i 26 sept. 2002. god. 
2002 (in English) Trapped in the Past, Transitions On-Line, Balkan Reconstruction Report, Special  Packages, 31. January 2002 .available at:, Accessed December 2002 
2001 Silence does not deny the Past (Tišina ne poništava prošlost), Beograd : Dosije br.11, časopis Nezavisnog  udruženja novinara Srbije
2002 (in Slovenian) Ćutanje ne briše prošlost, Medijska preža, br.13, Ljubljana 
2000 (in Slovenian) Najprljavija izborna kampanja, Medijska preža br. 9, Ljubljana
2000 (in Slovenian) Režimske televizije u Srbiji, Medijska preža br. 8, Ljubljana 
1999 (in Slovenian) Partije i mediji, Medijska preža br. 6, Ljubljana


2003  Reconstructing democratic Public in Serbia, in Stagnation of democratic reforms in Serbia, round table debates, Beograd: AAEN 
2002 (in English) Reforming Broadcasting in Countries of Transition - Serbia,’ European Institute for the Media, 
2000 (in English) Guide Through Electoral Controversies in Serbia, Beograd: CESID, group of authors
1999 (in English) Model of the Election Law in Serbia, Beograd: CESID, expert team member, civic initiative for election reform in Serbia
Also published in Freedom of the Press and Public Information Act, YUCOM and ABA/CEELI, Beograd: 1998
1997  Media, Transition and Democracy, expert proposal for media system restructuring in Serbia, Beograd: Radio B92, coordinator


2007  Communication Theories, (Komunikaciski teoriii), Institute for Socio-Legal Studies, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
2004, renewed 2005, 2007    Public Opinion, Fakultet političkih nauka, Beograd 
2002, renewed 2004    Public Sphere, Media and Responsibillity
1999/2000, renewed 2003    Representation of Women in the Media, Centar za ženske studije, Beograd
2000  Politics, Public Life and the Media, AAOM


2009 Children in the Media Mirror (Deca u medijskom ogledalu) Representations of children in the mainstream media in Serbia,  UNICEF and  Media Center FPN, 2008 Media and Presidential Elections in Serbia 2008, project leader, Media Center and Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia 2008 Media and Parliamentary Elections in Serbia 2008, project leader, Media Center and Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia 
2003/2005 Television across Europe - regulation, policy and independence, EUMAP i Network Media Programe, Research team member and Reporter for Serbia, , Accessed 15.December 2008 
2004 Gay and Lesbian population in the Daily Press, project leader, Labris, 2004    Tabloidization of the Daily Press in Serbia, project leader, IREX
2003    Local Media in Serbia, co-author, Civic Initiatives and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
2001/2002    Ethnic minorities in the mainstream South East European Press, project leader, Media Diversity Institute, London
2001/2003    Women and the Media: Stereotypes about Women in Public Communication, project leader, Women’s Studies Center, Beograd
2000    Attribution of Guilt, Media coverage of Albanians, Serbs and –international actors during NATO military intervention, project leader, Radio B292 and Westminster Foundation for Democracy
1997    TV Election Campaign ’97, the European Institute of the Media, co-author
1993/1995    Trauma and Catharsis in Historical Memory, research team member, Republika and Heinrich Bell
1992-93    TV Coverage of the '92 Election Campaign in Serbia, co-author, Commission of the European Communities
1993    TV Coverage of the '93 Election Participants in Serbia, project leader, Civic Alliance in Serbia
1992    Environmental reconstruction of Central and Eastern Europe, Serbia, co-author, Global 2000, Vienna

International conferences

Belgrade, 27-29 November 2008 State and Democracy, International Conference, Fakultet političkih nauka, paper: Media in Transition: growing industry and Passive States. Available at : Belgrade 8-9 September 2008 European regulatory framework: Freedom of Speech on the Internet, PCLMP Oxford University and Belgrade University, From Television without Frontiers Directive to Audiovisual media Services Directive, speaker 
Potsdam 5 September 2008 M100 Sanssouci Colloquium, East-West Media Bridge 2008, Institute for Strategic Studies (London), participant 
Trondheim 30-31. May 2008 Civic and non-civic values in Serbia: the post-Miloševic era, Center for the Study of the Civil War - International Peace Research Institute Oslo  and Norwegian University of the Science & Technology (NTNU); paper: Transformation of broadcasting as an element in the Serbian transition to democracy 
Belgrade 15-16 March 2007 Media Ownership and Concentration, key note speaker, Council of Europe and Ministry of Culture in Serbia 
Sarajevo, 2 - 3 November 2007 Media Freedom and Independence: Between Clientelism, Ownership and Commercialization, introductory speaker for the session on  Tabloidization, South East European Network for Professionalization of Media, regional conference, 
Belgrade, 2006 Balkan Media in the European Mirror, speaker, International Seminar Transitional Justice and the Media, CKZD 
Budapest, 2006 Challenges to Public Service Broadcasting, speaker, Television across Europe, OSI and EUMAP, Central European University 
Budapest, 2006 Media, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflicts, speaker/session Chair, Regional ICA pre-conference, Influencing Outcomes: Communication Regulation and Global and Regional Policy Transformations 
Tirana, 2006 Media Legislation and EU Integration, speaker, Central European Initiative Forum of Journalists 
Belgrade 2006 Media and Political Parties - European Experiences, speaker, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung 
Beograd 2004 Media Policy in the Southeastern Transformation Processes, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, consultant/panelist 
Bled 2004 Concentration of Media Ownership and its Impact on Media Freedom and Pluralism, OSCE and SEENMP, concluding reporter 
Belgrade 2004 Media in Post-Conflict and Transition Societies, UNESCO and OSCE, key note speaker 
Cambridge, UK 2003 History, Policy and Identity, 21st Century Trust and British Council, speaker 
Pecs, Hungary,2002 Role of the Media in the Process of Regional and Cross-Boarder Cooperation in Central and South Eastern Europe, Keynote speaker 
Bologna, Italy, 2002 Nationalism, Identity and Regional Cooperation: Compatibilities and Incompatibilities, University of Bologna, Italy, panelist 
Opatija, Croatia, 2002 Journalism In South East Europe, CWPNM, keynote speaker 
Minsk, Belarus,2002 Reforming Broadcasting in Countries of Transition, BAJ and EuropeanInstitute for the Media, keynote speaker 
Belgrade 2001 Managing the Transition, Wilton Park Conference, speaker 
Belgrade 2000 Broadcasting for Democratic Europe, Council of Europe and ANEM, keynote speaker 
Lille, France, 2000 Former Yugoslavia: Independence of news and role of the international Community, Reporters sans frontières, l’Ecole Supérieure de Journalism de Lille, France, speaker 
Salzburg, Austria 2000 Media in the Age of Globalization, Salzburg Seminar, Austria
Budapest,  Hungary, 2000 Images of Europe in the Media, European House, Budapest, Hungary, panelist 
Ulcinj, Yugoslavia 2000    Truth, Responsibility and Reconciliation, Radio B292,  OSCE and Heinrich Bell,  speaker 
Oxford, UK 1999    Media Power and Responsibility, 21st Century Trust, speaker 
Vienna, Austria,1999 Media, Education and Civil Society, International Workshop, country reporter 
Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1998 Public Sphere and Personal Responsibility, Regional Workshop, program coordinator 
Strasbourg,1997    Neighbors and Future in South Eastern Europe, Annual Conference of TRANSEUROPEENNES 
Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 1997 Communication toward Open Societies, Discussion group: Communication, Politics and the Electorate 
Athens 1995 Mass Media towards an Information Society Symposium, speaker 
London, UK, 1994 The First European Film and Television Studies Conference, panelist 
Temisoara, Romania, 1994 EC Seminar on Small Press in the Balkans, speaker

Dubravka ŽarkovDubravka Zarkov

Fields of expertise:

Gender; the female/male body; intersections with sexuality, ethnicity, religion, race;

Violent conflict/war/militarism; conflict analysis; development and violent conflict; gender based sexual violence; peace-keeping, peace-building; conflict transformations; nationalism; communalism; 
Transitional societies; transformation of gender relations; sexual and family violence; women’s NGOs;

Methodology; intersectional analysis; discourse analysis; 
Media/press/photography; visual and textual representations;

Regional interests: Western Balkans & former Yugoslavia; Central & East Europe; South Asia; Central Asia; Central Africa/Great Lakes Region;

Language skills: Mother tongue: Serbian (Croatian/Bosnian); English (fluent); Dutch (moderate)

Education and Degrees:

  • 1994-1999, PhD; Social Science; Centre for Women’s Studies, Catholic University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands (`From “Media War” to “Ethnic War” - The Female Body and The Production of Ethnicity in Former Yugoslavia [1986-1994]’; Cum Laude); 
  • 1990-1991, MA; Development Studies; Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, NL, (‘The Silence Which Is Not One - Sexuality, Subjectivity and Social Change in a Feminist Rethinking of Research on Peasant Women’); 
  • 1988-1990, post-graduate student; Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (YU); interrupted by the NUFFIC grant for MA research in the Netherlands;
  • 1977-1983, BA; Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, YU; (‘Anti-psychiatry: Between Utopia and Critique’; October Prize 1984);


  • January-April 2008, Ford Fellowship at the Five College Women's Studies Research Centre, Mount Holyoke College, USA 
  • 1994-1999,  NWO (Dutch Council for Scientific Research); for the Ph.D. research at the Centre for Women’s Studies, Nijmegen;  
  • January- June 1992,   Finish Government fellowship; research project: ‘Nordic Women’s Studies: Themes and Methods’; Department of Anthropology, University of Helsinki;
  • 1990-1991, NUFIC (Dutch Government); for the MA study at the ISS, The Hague; 
  • January-April 1989, Norwegian Government grant; advanced study in Qualitative Methods and Interpretative Techniques in Social Research (special subject: Oral History); Department of Sociology, University of Oslo;


  • July 2007 – Associate Professor in Gender, Conflict and Development Studies; academic tasks: teaching and convening MA specialization Violent Conflict, Reconstruction, and Human Security; teaching in MA specialization Women, gender, Development;  MA and PhD supervision; managerial tasks, etc;   
  • July 2001-July 2007, Senior lecturer in Gender, Conflict and Development Studies, Institute of Social Studies (ISS), The Hague (NL); academic (and managerial) tasks: teaching (and convening) MA specialization Women, Gender, Development, and courses on gender, development and conflict; partaking in other MA and Diploma teaching; supervision of MA and PhD theses; research (see bellow); consultancy/advisory work (see bellow); 
  • January 2000- January 2001, lecturer and expert adviser at the University for Humanist Studies (UvH, Utrecht) and Dutch Ministry of Defence (The Hague) for the project ‘Gender, War Violence and Meanings’; tasks: teaching a course on gender and war to students of the UvH;  organising (1) gender training for humanist counsellors in Dutch Army;  (2) an expert seminar on a topic of gender, military and social transformation; (3) a policy oriented seminar for the Dutch Army commanders, on gender aspects of peace-keeping in Bosnia;
  • June 1994 – November 1999, researcher, at the Centre for Women’s Studies, Catholic University of Nijmegen (NL); tasks: conducting my Ph.D. research; co-designing and co-teaching an interdisciplinary course ‘Gender and Violence’ (1998); participating in other research and educational activities of the Centre; 
  • May 1988 – September 1990/May 1994, research assistant at the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia; tasks: conducting independent research and contributing to the common research project of the Institute (on transformation of rural households); organizing an annual meeting of the Association of Rural Sociologists of Yugoslavia (held in Novi Sad, in 1989) on the topic: Rural Women and Social Change;  in September 1990 my employer granted me an unpaid leave for pursuing MA studies in the Netherlands; 
  • May 1988- September 1990, teaching assistant at the Agricultural Faculty, University of Belgrade (subject: Rural Sociology) and Faculty of Engineering, University of Novi Sad (subject: General Sociology);  
  • November 1986- May 1988, research editor-in-chief at the Centre for Documentation, Publishing and Research on Youth (CIDID), Belgrade, Yugoslavia; tasks: organizing and co-ordinating research projects of the Centre (focus: Yugoslavia); writing research reports; publishing and promoting research results; organizing conferences around issues concerning youth and youth research; compiling a documentation base of the Centre (with direct responsibility in organizing and conducting a bibliographical research on literature on youth); 
  • March 1984- October 1986, researcher, Youth Research and Publishing Centre (IIC), Belgrade; tasks: conducting small research projects on social, cultural and political situation of young generations (focus: Serbia);


  • ISS, The Hague (graduate level): From 2001 to date (as a course leader and co-teaching):
    • Gender Discourses in Development 
    • Feminist Theories and Strategies for Development
    • Discourse Analysis (Research Methodology Course) 
    • Gender, Armed Conflict and the Environment 
    • Understanding War and Violent Conflict
    • Violent Conflict, Media and the Politics of Representation 
  • Participation in courses:
    • Children, Youth and Development

Other (undergraduate and graduate level, in the Netherlands and former Yugoslavia):

  • 2000,  Gender, Sexuality and War: Symbolic Meanings and Cultural Practice (course leader; graduate level) University of Humanist Studies (UvH), Utrecht 
  • 1998,   Gender of Violence: Sex, Violence and Culture (co-convenor; undergraduate level) Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Nijmegen
  • 1988-1990, Rural Sociology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade; General Sociology, Faculty of Engineering, University of Novi Sad (both undergraduate level);

Managerial and other engagements in ISS

  • Sept . 2007 - Convenor of the MA specialization on Violent Conflict, Reconstruction and Human Security;
  • 2007 – Member of Research Degree Committee; Deputy-chair of the ISS Academic Council;
  • 2006 – Member of the ISS Academic Council;  
  • 2005 – co-chairing Conflict Platform (association of ISS staff interested in conflict studies) and headed organization of a research cluster on conflict (established in January 2007); 
  • 2005 – co-heading organization of a new MA specialization on Violent Conflict, Reconstruction and Human Security (start in September 2007); 
  • Sept. 2004 to Dec. 2005; and Sept. 2005 to Dec. 2006 – Convenor of the MA specialization Women, Gender, Development; 
  • Sept. 2003 to Dec. 2004 – Deputy Convenor of the MA specialization Women, Gender, Development;

Advisory/Consultancy work:

  • June 28 – July 7, 2007, teaching at the NUFFIC refresher course on violent conflict and governance in Great Lakes region, Arusha, Tanzania;  
  • September 2006- September 2007, senior advisor for the SANPAD project with Stellenbosch University, South Africa: `Exploring constructions of intimate relationships between women and men in a low-income Western Cape semi-rural community’; 
  • June 2005 and June 2006, teaching in the Clingendael Program for Young Diplomats from Central Asia, at ISS, The Hague
  • April 2005, for Vienna Institute for Development and Cooperation, workshop on Gender and Violent Conflict, in lieu of preparation of VIDC country case studies for Austrian Development Agency; 
  • December 2003 – May 2004, for Admira, Utrecht, NL; project: trajectories of GO and NGOs working on psycho-social assistance for war victims, and victims and perpetrators of family violence in the Balkans; fieldwork in Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia and Macedonia; (see publications: monograph, 2005)   
  • May-June 2003, for Clingendael/Conflict Research Unit (CRU), The Hague, NL; Member of three-person quality-check panel for the CRU's World Bank Report: Gender Dimensions of Internal Armed Conflict: Translating Analysis into Gender-  and Conflict-Sensitive Approach;  
  • October-November 2002, for EED, (Bonn, Germany), Jagori (Delhi, India) and SANGAT (South Asian Network of Gender Trainers); Resource person during the 5-day workshop Gender, Peace and Development in South Asia: Issues of Masculinity, Violent Conflict and Development  Puri, Orissa, India;


  • 2000-2003, two projects: 1. media representations of Srebrenica massacre in Dutch press; 2. sexual violence against men in violent conflict; see publications; 
  • 1994-1999, PhD project: ‘From “Media War” to “Ethnic War”: The Female Body and the production of Ethnicity in Former Yugoslavia (1986-1994)’; 
  • 1988-1991, MA project: ‘Peasant Women and Society in Transition: Questions of Subjectivity’, at the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of Novi Sad and the ISS, The Hague; 
  • 1989 - ‘Revitalisation of Gorica/Slovenia’, at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia;
  • 1988-1989, ‘Transformation of rural households in Vojvodina/Serbia’, at the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, University of Novi Sad, YU;
  • 1986-1988, several projects on youth, at the Centre for Research, Documentation and Publishing on Youth (CIDID), Belgrade, with the Institute of Social Research, Zagreb; 
  • 1986 - ‘Culture in Belgrade’, at the Institute for Research of Cultural Development, Belgrade 1984 -1986, several projects on youth, with the Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade and Institute of Social Research, Zagreb;

(Co-) Organized International Conferences, Workshops, Seminars:

  • October 2003, Gender, Violent Conflict and Development: Issues for theory, policy and practice, an expert seminar; ISS and Clingendael Institute, Conflict Research Unit; at the ISS, The Hague;
  • December 2001, Justice and Accountability: Obstacles and Strategies Towards International Justice, conference, ISS, Women’s Caucus for Gender Justice (New York) and Novib Oxfam Netherlands (The Hague); at the ISS, The Hague; 
  • December 2000, Power and Powerlessness in Bosnia: Gender Aspects of Peace-Keeping, international seminar, University for Humanist Studies and Ministry of Defence, in Zeist, The Netherlands; 
  • October 2000, Gender Relations after War: Peace-Building, Peace-Keeping and Social Transformation, expert seminar, at the University for Humanist Studies and Ministry of Defence, Utrecht, The Netherlands;
  • May 2000, Gender in the Field, gender training for humanist counsellors in Dutch Army; at the University for Humanist Studies and Ministry of Defence, Zeist, NL;
  • October 1999, Gender and Rural Transformations in Europe: Past, Present and Future Prospects’, international conference, at the Gender Studies in Agriculture Department, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen, NL;

International Conferences, Workshops, Seminars (presented papers or facilitated):

  • February 2007, sessions on sexuality, gender and war, in Sexuality, Gender and Rights Institute, CREA, New York, USA 
  • February 2007, `Gender Specific War Violence and Genderdness of International Criminal Law’ at the international round-table discussion African Perspectives on International Criminal Justice, Africa Legal Aid/ICC, Den Haag  
  • November 2006, Interpreting Intersectionality: Analyzing Gender and Its Intersections in Feminist Research, two-day workshop conducted with K. Davis, at Ruhr University, Bohum, Germany 
  • May 2006, `On Globalization, Economy and Violent Conflict: Gender perspectives’, at workshop Gender Relations and Conflict: Causes, Courses and Strategies, Heinrich Boell Fundation and Feminist Institute, Berlin, Germany
  • October 2005, `Europe as a Global Player: Gender, Security and Globalization’ at workshop Whose Security? Gender and Southern Perspectives, APRODEV, Brussels, Belgium
  • June 2005, `Imaging and Imagining Europe: East – West,  Past – Future’, at the Symposium Europe between East and West, Dutch Ministry of General Affairs, Government   Information Services, Den Haag, NL 
  • May 2005, `Intersectionality in Context’ at conference Theorizing     Intersectionality, Keele University, UK 
  • January 2005: `In the Aftermath of War: Thinking of Violence and its Consequences’ at ADMIRA conference 10 years of gender based approach to trauma and recovery from sexual and domestic violence in (post)war situations Utrecht, NL
  • January 2005: `Sexual Violence and War in former Yugoslavia’ at the Cordaid’s Three Queens Debate: Gender-Based War Crimes, The Hague, NL 
  • December 2004: `Paradoxes of Women’s Engagements against Violent Conflict’ at the EU conference Women in Conflict Situations and Peacekeeping, organized by Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defence, Social Affairs and Emancipation Policy, for Dutch EU Presidency; Amsterdam  
  • November 2004: `Feminist Troubles with the Balkans: Intersecting War, Nationalism and (Post) Socialism in the Studies of ex-Yugoslav Disintegration’, co-presentation with R. Drezgic, at the conference Troubles with the Balkans, organized by Forum Bosnia and Women’s Studies Sarajevo, Sarajevo, BiH
  • September 2004: `Gender and Violent Conflict in Ex-Yugoslavia. Methodological Questions’, CERES Summer School. Nijmegen, NL;
  • October 2003: `Globalizing Gender: Neo-Liberal Economy, Militarism and Development’, atinternational expert seminar Gender, Violent Conflict and Development: Issues for theory, policy and practice, ISS, The Hague; 
  • May 2003, `Male Victims of Sexual Violence: Questions of Masculinity, Heterosexuality and Power', at the international conference Feminist Debates on Peace and Security, organized by CFD (Swiss NGO) Zurich 
  • April 2003, Gender questions for Peace and Security; expert meeting; Women's League for Peace and Freedom, The Hague, 
  • November 2002, ‘Motherlands: Gender and Ethnicity in Croatian Media during Yugoslav Disintegration’, at the annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, USA
  • November 2002, ‘”Bulwark of Love”: Gender and Ethnicity in Croatian Media During Yugoslav Disintegration’, at the national convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Pittsburgh, USA
  • June 2002, Women’s Multifaceted Role in Armed Conflict, debate organized by Conflict Research Unit, Clingendael, The Hague, The Netherlands
  • June 2002, Gender, Identities, Conflict and Development, two-day seminar organized by Gender and Development Training Centre, Haarlem, The Netherlands
  • May 2002, ‘Productive Power of Violence: On Masculinity and Soldiering’, at the international conference Women, Peace Building and Constitution Making, organised by International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka 
  • November 2001, Geen Oorlog? Wat dan wel? (No war? What Then?) round table on Gulf War organized by XminY, Amsterdam
  • November 2001, ‘War Against Terrorism’ round table organized by students of the Universiteit voor Humanistiek, Utrecht  
  • September 2001, ‘Beyond Victims and Villains: Gender and Armed Conflict’, at the ADOPREV conference: Gender and Armed Conflict, keynote speaker, Uppsala, Sweden (ADOPREV is the association of 15 major ecumenical development and humanitarian aid organisations in Europe, working together with the World Council of Churches)
  • March 2001, ‘Gender, Ethnicity and War: (Dutch) Tales of (Western) Civilisation’, at the international conference Gender, Ethnicity and Globalisation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Centre for Gender and Diversity, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands 
  • January 2001: Women’s Organised Opposition to Militarism and War: Change, Challenge and Strategy in a European Context, two-day workshop organized by  Peace News, London & Vrouwen  voor Vrede, Amsterdam, 
  • November 2000, Gender, Development and Human Security two-day seminar, at the Central European University, Centre for Gender Studies, Budapest
  • October 2000, ‘Keeping Peace in the Netherlands: Masculinity, Morality and the Military’,  at the international expert seminar Gender Relations After War: Peace-Building, Peace- Keeping and Social Transformation, University for Humanists Studies with Dutch Ministry of Defence, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  • June 1999, ‘Men as Invisible Victims of Sexual Violence’, at SISWO Symposium Op Zijn      Plaats: Mannenlijkheid, Diversiteit en Veranderlijkheid, Amsterdam
  • June 1999, ‘The Body of the Other Man - Sexual Violence and the Construction of Masculinity, Sexuality and Ethnicity’, at the World Bank conference: Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence, Washington, USA‘
  • March 1998, ‘Old Myths for the New World Order, or: A Disenchanted Essay’ at the ESSH  conference, session: Hidden Histories and new Mythologies in Eastern Europe,     Amsterdam
  • December 1997, ‘Feminists Selves/Ethnic Selves: Identity Politics for a Post-Yugoslav Era’, at the (inter)national conference Women’s Discourses/War Discourses, IHS (Institute of Humanities) Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • November, 1997, ‘Sacred Sacrifice: Ethnic Self and the Body of a Lady’, at the international conference Narrating Selves and Others: Feminist Theory in Practice, Centre for Women’s Studies, Antwerpen,
  • February 1997, Women and Media in ex-Yugoslavia: Witches, Victims, Voters, round table organized by Press  Now and De Balie, Amsterdam, 
  • November 1993, ‘On Gender and the “History of Ethnic Hatred” in Former Yugoslavia’, at the international conference: Nationalism, Racism and Gender in Europe, Amsterdam
  • June 1993, ‘Economy and Gender in the Changing “Second World”’, at the international conference: Out of the Margin - Feminist Perspectives on Economic Theory, Amsterdam (co-authored with Tanja Djuric-Kuzmanovic);
  • May 1992, ‘Peasant Women Sexuality - The Question of Subjectivity’, at the international conference: Women and Oral History, London
  • July 1990, ‘Self-Perception and Self-Defining of Peasant Women in Yugoslavia’, at the XIV European Congress of Rural Sociology, Gissen, Germany


  • April 2005, `Beyond Oppositional Dualities: Paradoxes of Women’s and Men’s Lives in Violent Conflict’, Vienna Institute for Development and Cooperation, Austria 
  • September 2004, `Gender and Generation in Violent Conflict’ at Rural Gender Studies, Wageningen University, NL
  • September 2004, `Gender and Intersectionality’ at NOISE (European Women’s Studies) Summer School, Utrecht, NL & Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • June 2004, `Intersectional Analysis: Asking the Other Question’, at the Interpreting Gender and its Intersections course, Utrecht University, NL; 
  • September 2003, `Gender and Violent Conflict’ at Rural Gender Studies, Wageningen University, NL
  • April 2003, `Sexual Violence against Men in Violent Conflicts: On power, heterosexuality and collective identity’, at the Gender and Sexuality Programme; School of    International Training (SIT), Amsterdam, NL
  • November 2002, `Gender, War, Violence’ at Rural Gender Studies, Wageningen University
  • March 2001, ‘Between Women with Moustaches and Men with Pony-Tails: Limits of Diversity in Dutch Armed Forces’, at the Colloquium, Centre for Gender and    Diversity, University of Maastricht, NL 
  • February 2001, ‘The Female Body and the Production of Difference in Wars and Conflicts’, at the International Classroom, Centre for Gender and Diversity, University of Maastricht, NL 
  • July 2000, ‘Bodies in Transition: Gender in Eastern Europe, Ten Years After’, at the Gender, Development and Human Security seminar, Institute of Social Studies The Hague,
  • December 1999, ‘Faces of a War: Gendering New Millennium with Some Old Tales (or: War Photography in Dutch Press)’, at the University of Muenster, Department of Education, Germany
  • February 1999, ‘Production of Ethnicity in “Media War” and “Ethnic War”’, at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, at the Gender and Ethnicity course, University of London, UK
  • February 1999, ‘Invisible Victims of Sexual Assault in Armed Conflicts - Masculinity, Sexuality and Ethnicity in Media’, at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, UK 
  • December 1998, ‘Making Sense of “Senseless Violence” in the Netherlands, and in Dutch Press’, for the Association of Anthropology Students, University of Nijmegen, NL  
  • February 1998, ‘Defining Self and Other: Gender, Sexuality and Ethnicity in Media (The Case of Yugoslavia)’, at the course Gender and Ethnicity, University of Tuebingen, Germany, 
  • December 1997, ‘Media Constructions of Victims and Villains: Gender, Sexuality, Ethnicity’, at the Centre for Women’s Studies, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
  • November 1997, ‘Feminist Strategies Re-Examined: Gender, Ethnicity and Victimisation’, at the Department Gender and Ethnicity, Greenwich University, London, UK 
  • November 1997, ‘Media Constructions of Victims and Villains: Gender, Sexuality, Ethnicity’, at the Institute of Social Studies, Women & Development Programme, The Hague, NL  
  • October 1997,  ‘Feminism, Ethnicity and Victimisation - A question of Strategies’, at the course: Gender and Ethnicity, Free University, Amsterdam, NL 
  • May 1997; ‘Feminist Strategies Re-Examined: Gender, Ethnicity and the Rape Victim Identity’, at the Lova Studiedag, Free University, Amsterdam, NL  
  • November 1996, ‘Gender and Ethnicity in Former Yugoslavia: Images and Practice’, at the seminar Anthropology of Eastern Europe, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 
  • March 1994; ‘Through the Female Body: Media and Nationalism in Former Yugoslavia’, at the seminar: Women and Fundamentalism, University of Nijmegen, NL

Professional and Bona Fide Associations:

  • Focaal, International Journal of Anthropology (Berghanh Press), Associate Editor (2005-2007); 
  • Women’s Initiative for Gender Justice, The Hague, member of the Advisory Council (since 2003);
  • SANGAT, South Asian Network of Gender Trainers, Delhi, India; resource person (since 2001);
  • APRODEV, Association of Development and Humanitarian Aid Agencies in Europe (15 major ecumenical development and humanitarian aid organisations in Europe working together with the World Council of Churches), Brussels, Belgium; resource person (since 2000);
  • Admira,  Dutch governmental organisation for support of victims of (war and family) violence in the Balkans and Eastern Europe, Utrecht, the Netherlands; resource person(1994- 2005); 
  • Press Now, Foundation for the freedom of speech, in support of free media in ex-Yugoslavia and Albania, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; member of Advisory Council (1994-2000);

Manuscript/Project reviewer for:

  • Development and Change
  • International Feminist Journal of Politics
  • The European Journal of Women’s Studies
  • Pluto Press
  • NWO (Dutch Council for Scientific Research)


Books and Monographs:

  • In print, Gender, Conflict, Development: Challenges of Practice, (ed.) New Delhi: Zubaan 
  • 2007,  The Body of War: Media, Ethnicity and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia, Durham and London: Duke University Press (pp.286) ISBN 978-0-8223-3966-3 (pbk)
  • 2005,  Working Through the War. Trajectories of Non-Governmental and Governmental Organizations Engaged in Psycho-social Assistance to Victims of War and Family Violence in the ex-Yugoslav States, Utrecht: Pharos (pp.166) ISBN 90-75955-46-4
  • 2002, The Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and International Peacekeeping, co-edited with Cynthia Cockburn, London: Lawrence and Wishart (pp.224) ISBN 0-85315-946-7 (pbk)

Chapters in books and articles in refereed journals:

  • In print, `Gendered War, Gendered Peace: Violent Conflict in the Balkans and its Consequences’, in D. Pankhurst (ed.) Gendered Peace. Women’s Search for Post-war Justice and Reconciliation, Routledge; co-authored with R. Drezgic and T. Djuric-Kuzmanovic, pp. 265-291; (autumn 2007)
  • 2006  ‘Towards a new theorizing of women, gender and war’, in Evans M., Davis K., and Lorber, J., (eds.) Handbook of Gender and Women’s Studies, SAGE, pp. 214-233 
  • 2005, `Feministicke nevolje sa Balkanom’ (`Feminist Troubles with the Balkans’) in Sociologija (Journal of Sociological Association of Serbia, Belgrade), XLVII (4): 289-306, co-authored with R. Drezgic; 
  • 2002,  ‘Feminism and the Disintegration of Yugoslavia: On the Politics of Gender and Ethnicity’, in Social Development Issues (Special Issue: Women in Conflict and Crisis), 24(3):59-68,
  • 2002, ‘”Srebrenica Trauma”: Masculinity, military and national self-image in Dutch daily newspapers’ in Cockbrun and Zarkov (eds),  Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and the International Peacekeeping, London:  Lawrence and Wishart  pp. 183-203
  • 2002,  `Introduction’, with C. Cockburn, in Cockbrun and Zarkov (eds),  Postwar Moment: Militaries, Masculinities and the International Peacekeeping, London:  Lawrence and Wishart, pp. 9-22
  • 2001,  ‘The Body of the Other Man: Sexual Violence and the Construction of Masculinity, Sexuality and Ethnicity in Croatian Media’, in C. Moser and F. Clark (eds), Victims,               Perpetrators or Actors? Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence, London: Zed Books, pp. 69-82; [the book reprinted for Asian markets by Kali for Women (Delhi), 2001, with same page numbers]
  • 2000,  ‘Feminist Selves/Ethnic Selves: Theory and Politics of Women’s Activism’ in Slapsak, S. (ed) Women’s Discourses/War Discourses, Ljubljana: ISH, pp. 167-193
  • 1999,   ‘Over Posities, Definities en Relevantie: Ethnicitieit in de Identiteitspolitiek van de Academische Wereld’ (On Positions, Definitions and Relevance: Ethnicity in Identity     Politics of Academia’), in Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 2(1):38-44 
  • 1998,   ‘Poverty, Social Stratification and Directed Un-Development in Serbia’, in Journal of Area Studies (13):184-201, co-authored with Djuric-Kuzmanovic [different version published in Anthropology of East Europe Review: Central, Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Special Issue: Reassessing Peripheries in Post Communist Studies, Autumn 1999, 17(2): 31-38]
  • 1997,   ‘Pictures on the Wall of Love: Motherhood, Womanhood and Nationhood in Croatian Media’, in The European Journal of Women’s Studies 4(3):305-339 
  • 1997,   ‘War Rapes in Bosnia: On Masculinity, Femininity and Power of the Rape Victim Identity’, in Tijdschrift voor Criminologie, 39(2):140-151 [translated to Serbian, in Temida, Journal of Victimology Association of Serbia, Belgrade, May 1998, pp. 3-13]
  • 1997,  ‘Sex as usual: Body Politics and the Media War in Serbia’, in Davis, K.(ed). Embodied Practices, London: Sage, pp. 110-127
  • 1997,  ‘Economy and Gender in the Changing “Second World”’ (‘Ekonomija, rod i promene u “Drugom Svetu”) in T. Djuric-Kuzmanovic, Directed Non-Development: (Post)Socialist  experience and Feminist Alternatives (Dirigovani Nerazvoj: (Post)Socialisticko Iskustvo i Feministicke Alternative), Novi Sad: Expo Press, p. 131-146 (co-authored with Djuric-Kuzmanovic)
  • 1996,   ‘Oude kwesties in het nieuwe Europa: de Politiek en het Feminisme’ (Old Issues for The New Europe: International Politics and Feminism), in Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies 66:125-130 
  • 1995,  ‘Gender, Orientalism and the “History of Ethnic Hatred” in the Former Yugoslavia’, in Lutz, Phoenix and Yuval-Davis, (eds), Crossfires. Nationalism, Racism and Gender in Europe, London: Pluto Press, pp. 105-121
  • 1992,   ‘Prevalence of the Formal Zadruga in the Vilovo Village’, in Journal of Family History, 17(3):313-329, co-authored with B. Djurdjev and V. Katic;
  • 1989,   ‘Domination and transformation strategy of family co-operatives in Vilovo Village’,in Matica Srpska, (Serbian Annual) 84:155-167, Novi Sad, (in Serbo-Croat),co-authored with B. Djurdjev and V. Katic; 
  • 1986,   ‘Youth Music Tastes and Attitudes towards Music’, in S. Mihajlovic, ed. Omladina 1986 (Youth 1986), Belgrade: IIC, (in Serbo-Croat), pp. unavailable; 
  • 1986,   ‘Youth and Social Crisis’, in S. Mihajlovic, ed. Omladina 1986 (Youth 1986), Belgrade: IIC, (in Serbo-Croat), pp. 227-233; 
  • 1986,   ‘Citizens of Belgrade - Cultural Offer and Cultural Needs’, in Socioloski Pregled (Sociological Review) 3-4:207-216, Belgrade and Zagreb (in Serbo-Croat);
  • 1985,   ‘A Critique of Traditional Psychiatry’, in Kultura (Culture) 71:61-77, Belgrade (in Serbo-Croat);


  • 2005,  `Violent Conflict in the Balkans: Impacts, Responses, Consequences’, background Paper for UNRISD Report Gender Equality: Striving for Justice in an Unequal World. with R. Drezgic and T. Djuric-Kuzmanovic;

Book Reviews:

  • 2007,   of Cleaver, F. (ed) Masculinities Matter! Men, Gender and Development, London, New York and Cape Town: Zed Books and David Philip, 2003, in Development and Change 38(3):579-581
  • 2005,   of Afshar, H. & D. Eade (eds.) 2004, Development, Women, and War. Feminist Perspectives, London: Oxfam GB, in Development and Change,  36(1):196-197
  • 2004,   ‘Autobiographical Ethnography of Dutchness or: An Exile as a Native Anthropologist’, of Ghorashi, H. (2002) Ways to Survive, Battles to Win. Iranian Women Exiles in the Netherlands and the United States, New York: Nova, in The European Journal of Women’s Studies 11(1):123-125
  • 1999,  ‘When will they ever learn?’, of Melman, B. (ed.) (1998) Borderlines: Genders and Identities in War and Peace 1870-1930, London & New York: Routledge, 1998, in     The European Journal of Women’s Studies 6(3):377-379
  • 1994,   of Drakulic, S. (1993) Balkan Express - Fragments from the Other Side of War, London: Hutchinson, in  European Journal of Women’s Studies 1(1):130-132; 
  • 1987,  ‘Youth Enigma’, of Milic, A. (1986), The Enigma of Youth - A Contribution to Theory and History of Youth Structure, Belgrade & Zagreb: CIDID & IDIS, in Ideje (Ideas) 2-3:161-163, (in Serbo-Croat);

Articles in non-refereed journals:

  • 2001,  ‘Masculinity, women and change in the Dutch Armed Forces’, with K. Joachim, in Peace  News, UK , No. 2443 (June-August)  pp. 31-32
  • 1997,  ‘Feminist Strategies Re-Examined: Gender, Ethnicity and the Rape Victim Identity’, in     Lova (Tijdschrift voor Feministische Antropologie; Journal of Feminist Anthropology Utrecht), Vol. 18, nr. 2,  pp. 4-9 
  • 1995,  ‘Voorbij Verovering en Lijden’ (Beyond Conquest and Suffering), Raffia (Centrum voor Vrouwenstudies, Nijmegen) nr. 3, pp. 10-12 
  • 1991,  ‘Boerinnen in het socialistische Joegoslavie’ (Peasant Women in Socialist Yugoslavia), in Boerin Nu nr. 4, pp. 31-33
  • 1989,  ‘Revitalisation of the Gorica Karst Area’, in Proceedings from the International Student Research Summer School, Internal Publication of the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana (in Sloven), pp. unavailable;
  • 1988,  ‘Ecological Movement as a New Human Attitude Towards Nature’, in Ovdje (Here) nr. 2, pp. unavailable, Titograd, Montenegro, (in Serbo-Croat); 
  • 1987,  ‘A view on the Sixties - New Social Movements’, in Ovdje (Here) nr.5, p. 21, Titograd, Montenegro, (in Serbo-Croat);


  • 1995,   T. Djuric-Kuzmanovic, ‘From National Economies to Nationalist Hysteria: Consequences for Women’, in H. Lutz, A. Phoenix and N. Yuval-Davis (eds.), Crossfires. Nationalism, Racism and Gender in Europe, London: Pluto Press, pp. 121-142, (from Serbo-Croat to English);
  • 1990,   L.E. Thorsen ‘The Sexual Division of Labour in Central Norway, 1920-1980’ (paper presented at the 13th Rural Sociology Conference, 1-4. April 1986, Braga) in Sociologija Sela (Rural Sociology) 104:135-143, Zagreb, Croatia; (from English to Serbo-Croat)

Extensive reviews of my publications (selection):

  • International Feminist Journal of Politics, 2004, 6(2):343-350 
  • European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2004, 11(1): 126-128
  • Women’s Studies International Forum, 2003, 26(2):192-193
  • American Anthropologist, 2000, 102(1):27-41

My publications used as required course material (selection):

  • The book: The Postwar Moment. Militaries, Masculinities and International Peacekeeping, 2002, London: Lawrence and Wishart (co-edited with Cynthia Cockburn); 
    • Used at:  J.F.Kennedy School of Government, USA; Course: Inclusive Security;
  • Chapter:  ‘The Body of the Other Man: Sexual Violence and the Construction of Masculinity, Sexuality and Ethnicity in Croatian Media’, in C. Moser and F. Clark (eds), 2001, Victims, Perpetrators or Actors? Gender, Armed Conflict and Political Violence, London: Zed Books, pp. 69-82;
    • Used at: Drake University, USA; Course: Women, Men and War;
    • Used at: American University, Washington DC; Course: Gender and Conflict;
    • Used at: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA; Course: Violence, Human Rights and Justice;
  • Article: ‘Pictures on the Wall of Love: Motherhood, Womanhood and Nationhood in Croatian Media’, in The European Journal of Women’s Studies, 1997,  4(3):305-339 ;
    • Used at: Central European University; Course: Ethnic Violence and War

Kurs: Jezik i ideologija
Voditeljica: Snježana Kordić

Zašto jezik kao malo koja druga tema diže ljude na noge, uzrujava i čini spremnima za sukobe? On je stalni izvor konflikta u Bosni i Hercegovini, Hrvatskoj, Srbiji i Crnoj Gori - danas kao i prije deset godina, dvadeset, četrdeset. Proširilo se uvjerenje među starima i mladima, među obrazovanima i neobrazovanima, kroz sve slojeve društva od političara pa do željezničara, da je njihov jezik ugrožen od strane onog drugog naroda. I da je time doveden u pitanje opstanak vlastitog naroda i svakog pojedinca. Istovremeno se rasprostranilo i mišljenje da nacija ne može postojati ako nema zaseban jezik koji ne dijeli ni s jednom drugom nacijom. Premda takvo mišljenje nije točno i opovrgavaju ga primjeri brojnih nacija, ipak se u domaćoj sredini rijetko koji pojedinac usudi ukazivati na takve primjere. Političari, mediji i većina intelektualaca napravili su atmosferu u kojoj razumna i smirena diskusija o jeziku kao da nije moguća. Pokušaji objektivnog pristupa temi jezika doživljavaju se kao napadi i dočekuju se erupcijom emocija. Nacionalne elite koriste jezično pitanje kao tinjajuću vatru koju u svakom trenutku mogu pretvoriti u požar.

U takvoj situaciji jedino upoznavanje s činjenicama i prenošenje tih znanja u šire slojeve stanovništva može skinuti s teme jezika njen veliki potencijal za konflikte. S tim ciljem će se ovaj kurs bazirati na spoznajama znanosti o jeziku, i pružiti uvid u temeljne sociolingvističke pojmove, koji se vrlo često spominju u javnom prostoru a da se ključne stvari o njima ne znaju. Rasvijetlit će i osnovne događaje vezane uz jezik, za koje su mnogi čuli ali samo u verziji korisnoj za nacionalnu mitologiju. Izbor sadržaja kursa uzima u obzir još jedno izrazito svojstvo domaće sredine: naime, karakteristično je da, čim se počne nešto raspravljati o jeziku, vrlo brzo se u raspravi pojave riječi narod, nacija, identitet, kultura, povijest. Pritom dominira neupućen, laički i populistički pogled na te pojmove. Zato će i oni na kursu biti značajne teme. Tako da će kurs u pravom smislu riječi biti interdisciplinaran jer pored lingvističkih spoznaja koristit će saznanja iz sociologije, antropologije, psihologije i historiografije.

Oblici rada: predavanje kombinirano s potpitanjima i otvoreno za dijalog, individualni rad s internetom, rad u parovima, grupni rad, kratki referat, diskusija, okrugli stol, preuzimanje uloga, argumentiranje, strukturiranje, analiziranje govorenog i pisanog materijala

Ciljevi: proširivanje znanja, vježbanje kritičkog razmišljanja, smirenog i razložnog argumentiranja, jačanje sposobnosti da se javno zastupaju znanstveno potvrđena shvaćanja


- Bogdanić, Aleksandar:  "O implikacijama odbrambenog komuniciranja", Znakovi i poruke 2, Banja Luka 2009, 47-64.

- Hajdinjak, Marko: Yugoslavia – Dismantled and Plundered. The Tragic Senselessness of the War in Yugoslavia and the Myths that Concealed It, Saarbrücken 2009.

- Jovanović, Srđan: "Ćefovi i ćuprije", Danas, Beograd 15.6.2010.

- Kordić, Snježana: Jezik i nacionalizam, Zagreb 2010.


  • Stavovi, normalnost, nesigurnost

    Autor: Zoran Tihomirović (Zagreb, Hrvatska) Ako tvrdimo kako ne posjedujemo dovoljno oblika moći ili dovoljno odgovarajućih oblika moći, dovodimo u pitanje temeljnu svrhu političkog sustava. Ono što...

    Opširnije: Stavovi,...

  • Početnica kao zabluda

    Autorica: Tea Grujić (Pula, Hrvatska) „Svatko mora već od mladosti biti upućen u purizam. Istovremeno, nitko ne smije znati što je purizam u stvari...“ Kordić, Snježana,  Jezik i nacionalizam,...

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  • Antej ili Herakle

    Autor: Radomir Radević Antej, libijski džin, sin Posejdona boga mora i Gaje boginje zemlje. Bio je izuzetno snažan dok god je bio u kontaktu sa tlom (majkom zemljom), ali kada bi ga podigli u vazduh...

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  • Knin

    Autorica: Barbara Matejčić Vrućeg kolovoškog dana sve se teže uspinjemo prašnjavim makadamom prema selu Grubori, visoko u brdima dvadesetak kilometara istočno od Knina. Podno Grubora se može autom...

    Opširnije: Knin


Ubleha za idiote

  • Cilj (dugoročni)

    Najšupljija priča koju treba uvaliti donatoru; totalna ubleha (v.). I, da bi sve bilo pošteno, naglasi se da je cilj neostvariv premda je to očevidno.   Korišten sa odobrenjem iz Ubleha za idiote od Nebojše Šavija-Valha i Ranka Milanović-Blank, ALBUM br. 20, 2004, Sarajevo.