Dear friends of the Peace Academy,

We are hereby announcing that this year's Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy will be held in the beginning of autumn and will have a different format. Due to financial reasons, we were obliged to shorten this year's summer school to three working days and to plan it at a different time.

We will inform you about the dates, courses and means of applying to this year's Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy as soon as possible through our web page, newsletter and Facebook page. We wish you an enjoyable summer.

Greetings from the PAF team!



Ubleha for idiots

  • Consultant

    A higher being, an ublehaš (See) of a higher category, with higher income, who pretends to and looks like s/he knows all this.

from Ubleha for Idiots – An Absolutely non useful Guide for Civil Society Building and Project management for Locals and Internationals in BiH and Beyond by Nebojša Šavija-Valha and Ranko Milanovic-Blank, ALBUM No. 20, 2004, Sarajevo, translated by Marina Vasilj.