socThe Sarajevo Open Center (SOC) is a non-governmental organization promoting active citizenship through political education and advocating for human rights of women and LGBT persons through equality policies. Among other activities, SOC is doing active publishing work. Their publications appear in several editions: Questioning; Human rights; Gender; BH politics. SOC has published several very interesting and relevant publications in the last year which deal with topics that can rarely be found within mainstream publishing houses. „Glossary of LGBT Culture“, „Textbook of LGBT Human Rights"“, „Discrimination – One Word, Many Faces“, „Someone said Feminism?“ – are just some publications which were published by SOC's team with the help of many other collaborators and are now offered to readers throughout the region of former Yugoslavia. The abovementioned publications are for free and can be found in PDF version on the following link:


Opening of the 5th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy

The 5th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy was opened today, July 23rd at the Franciscan Student Dormitory in Sarajevo.

Participants were greeted by the organizers of the Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy and instructors of this year's courses: Tonči Kuzmanić, instructor of "Politics, Power and Inequalities", Svjetlana Nedimović, instructor of "Role of Historical Truth in Conflict Transformation", and Jayne Docherty, instructor of "Strategic Peacebuilding".

One of the most interesting questions which will be discussed on the course "Politics, Power and Inequalities" is if violence is really the worst thing that can happen to us. _mg_2444_resize

The goal of the course "Role of Historical Truth in Conflict Transformation" is to "open the discussion about the ethical and political status of truth and to start a debate about the mechanisms of defining and disseminating historical truth"._mg_2449_resize

The course "Strategic Peacebuilding", held in English language, is going to deal with issues and dilemmas which occur in the process of peacebuilding in today's violent conflicts.

This year's courses will be attended by 55 participants from the former-Yugoslav region and beyond. The previous four Academy's have been attended by more than 200 participants.


We would like to thank Mennonite Central Committee and the Balkan Trust for Democracy for financially supporting the Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy and activities of the Peace Academy Foundation.

Pictures: Branimir Prijak

Opening of the 5th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy

The 5th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy (PYPA) will be opened on Monday, 23rd July 2012 at 9:30am in the Franciscan Student Dormitory. Organizers of the PYPA, Peace Academy Foundation's staff will be present at the opening as well as this year's course instructors: Tonči Kuzmanić, course instructors of "Politics, Power and (In)Equalities; Svjetlana Nedimović, course instructor of "Role of Historical Truth in the Conflict Transformation"; and Jayne Docherty, course instructor of "Strategic Peacebuilding".

At the same plac, but on Thursday 26th July 2012, from 4:00 to 6:30 pm, a joint lecture and discussion open for broader public will be held on the topic "Socially Engaged Art and Peacebuilding". Guest speakers at the lecture and discussion are: Đorđe Balmazović, artist from Belgrade, Adela Jušić, artist from Sarajevo, and Husein Oručević, artist from Mostar. The moderator of the discussion is Samra Dizdarević.

We invite you to be present at both of the abovementioned two events.



European Regional Master's Degree in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe

Sarajevo - Bologna


The European Regional Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democracy in South East Europe (ERMA) is an intensive, one-year Master programme established through the joint efforts of the participating universities and coordinated by the Universities of Sarajevo and Bologna. At present it is in its eleventh year of implementation. The Programme is co-financed by the European Commission and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is part of the Regional Masters in Human Rights and Democratisation network.

In the a.y 2012/2013 ERMA shall be implemented as a double degree programme: one diploma will be issued by the University of Sarajevo and one by the University of Bologna.

The Master Programme awards 60ECTS and is structured in three terms/two semesters –

I) November 2012 – June 2013: Lecturing period at the University of Sarajevo (semester I);

II) June – July 2013: Internship work across South East Europe and

III) September – October 2013: Master's Theses writing-up period at the University of Bologna (semester II).

The teaching activities involve renowned Faculty members coming from more than 25 European and other countries. Internships take place at various regional NGOs, IGOs, think-tanks and research institutes dealing with issues of human rights and democracy in South East Europe. The third term is hosted by the University of Bologna Residential Centers in Italy.

Each academic year the Programme enrolls 30 students from the countries of South East Europe and the European Union. Starting from a.y. 2011-2012 applications from the Caucasus and Russia are also accepted. The upper age limit of potential applicants is 35 years of age. Twenty five (25) places are reserved for citizens of the countries of South East Europe involved in the program - Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Croatia; Macedonia; Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. Five (5) places are reserved for citizens of the European Union countries, Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) and Russia. The Programme offers study grants to all students coming from the target countries.

The application form and additional information on admission are available at:

The deadline for the full application package to be RECEIVED is: August 31st 2012



Ubleha for idiots

  • I-mejl

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from Ubleha for Idiots – An Absolutely non useful Guide for Civil Society Building and Project management for Locals and Internationals in BiH and Beyond by Nebojša Šavija-Valha and Ranko Milanovic-Blank, ALBUM No. 20, 2004, Sarajevo, translated by Marina Vasilj.