svjetlana-nedimovicSvjetlana Nedimović

Svjetlana Nedimović finished her PhD studies within the topic Imagination and Political Action in H. Arendt's works at the European University Institute in Florence in 2007. 

Svjetlana has taught political theory and philosophy at the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology where she coordinated the founding of the Department for Political Science and International Relations, at the same time drafting a curriculum for the same department.

For the last six years, Svjetlana has been engaged within the project Puls of Democracy - an online publication for critical analysis of BiH's social and political reality. She has been the editor-in-chief since 2010 and as such she holds Puls of Democracy's workshops for students from BIH's universities. The workshops inlcude heterogeneous groups and a non-conformist atmosphere where students work on writing texts for the abovementioned publication.

Within the research project at the University in Barcelona Trajectories of Modernity, Svjetlana deals with reasearching the roles of political imagination and oral histories in the proces of conflict transformation within sociteties.

Svjetlana's works were published in various BiH online and other domestic and international publications.
